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Partner With Us

At T Bar M, a 501c3 nonprofit, we're all about fostering growth - in faith, love for God, and connections with others! Ready to make a difference? Let's grow together!

How You Can Help

Since 1981, T Bar M has been the camp home to thousands of people from across the world. We have been able to provide scholarships to campers, coaches, and families looking to experience a Christ-Centered Adventure. We’ve seen God use this ministry to bring hundreds of His children closer to Him through our exciting, enthusiastic, and encouraging camp and retreat experience.


Your gift will support the needs of Today: Sending kids and families to Camp, blessing our coaches, and improving our programs and facilities. Thank you for partnering with us!
learn more about today


We desire to see T Bar M flourish for all who enter our gates to come experience Christ-Centered Adventure. Thank you for being a part of significant growth.
learn more about tomorrow


Today is more than a moment; it's a promise to guide all those through our gates to walk with Jesus.

By giving for Today, you join us in a continuous mission to present Jesus Christ and teach His ways. As a partner, you'll provide support to send eager kids to camp, give scholarships to our dedicated college summer staff, and invest in the enhancements to our programs and facilities - ensuring that every encounter at T Bar M is exciting, enthusiastic, and encouraging. 



Your support is pivotal in walking towards our Tomorrow. This is our term for the strategic initiatives aimed at expanding T Bar M's capacity to give a Christ-Centered Adventure to our campers and guests. The Lord's call is clear: to extend our reach and deepen the adventure inside our gates. Let's step into the Tomorrow that God has laid before us, together.


"We picked up a bright-eyed, very talkative, joyful, smiling daughter from camp. We can only imagine she felt safe, seen, and loved at camp - because only the love of Jesus can create that."

- T Bar M Base Camp Mom

Forward Campaign

Expanding our gates!

This is by far our biggest and most exciting vision for future growth! The T Bar M Forward Campaign aims to expand our property, update existing facilities, and present Jesus Christ through new adventures for all who walk through our gates.

Every gift will go directly towards a new summer Family Camp and year-round Retreat facility that will allow for more people to Love God and Love Others through a camp and retreat experience.


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